Thursday, September 28, 2017


This last week has been an adventure.  Last Tuesday (9/19) shortly after feeding the sister missionaries I was driving to the church for our Relief Society meeting.  I made that last turn (Easton to N. Lake Highlands drive) and I hear this 'clunk' in the suburban.  I push on the gas and I get no response.  I was able to coast to the turn lane that would allow me to pull into the church parking lot before I couldn't go anymore. I was able to get help to get it into the church parking lot.  We were able to do our first aid kits at RS and then I was able to get a ride home.  My boss towed the suburban to a mechanics shop to be looked at. 

While the suburban was in the shop, I had many people help get the kids to and from school and church.   On Wednesday after getting home from dropping the kids off, I saw that Kristen had forgotten her lunch.  Angela and I started walking to the school.  We were picked up about halfway to the school and were able to get a ride the rest of the way there and back.  Thursday, Angela and I walked to Walmart(round trip of 2 miles) for a few groceries we needed.  Then Monday, Angela wanted to walk to the office(maybe a mile and a half away).  So we started walking.  We made it to Walmart before we got picked up and taken the rest of the way there.

Through all of this it helped me to contemplate on some things.  Over the course of the week, Angela and I walked probably about 6 miles(2 of those was going to Auduban park with the other kids as well).  But with our ancestors, when they came across the plains, they walked or were in the wagon.  When they got settle, if they had to go anywhere, it was usually by walking(or by horse).  It helped me to think about how there are some people today who would Love to be able to just get up and walk, but can't.

I am so grateful for the tender mercies and help that I received. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

"When I am Baptized"

So in primary today I got to see a song in a little bit different perspective.  The song When I am baptized goes "I like to look for rainbows, whenever there is rain.  And ponder on the beauty of an earth made clean again.  I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain.  I want to be the best I can, and live with God again."  "I know when I am baptized, my wrongs are washed away.  And I can be forgiven, and improve myself each day.  I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain.  I want to be the best I can, and live with God again."

The primary chorister asked Senior Primary what it meant to look for rainbows after rain.  They  all gave some good views and perspectives for a group of  9-11 year olds.  But as they were talking about how they view rainbows and baptism, I had the thought and it helped me see things a little different to.

When we are baptized, we are washed clean, right?   The earth was also baptized and washed clean.  After all the rain, there was a rainbow as Heavenly Father's promise to us that he would never flood the earth again like he did in Moses's day.  So the rainbow's represents a promise of the cleanliness and purity of the earth.  Just like the earth, and just like Jesus Christ, we were baptized.  But unlike the earth and Christ, we make mistakes.  But fortunately we have repentance and the Sacrament to help us become clean again.  How wonderful is that.  That we have the opportunity each Sunday to repent and become clean again.  To do better than the week before.  And we have those "rainbows", or promises in our lives that Heavenly Father will help us, so that we can live with him again. 

I enjoy being in the primary and I love how Heavenly Father knows us and know in which ways to help teach us.  It is amazing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Medicine Wheel and answered prayers

I am so grateful for the 'Medicine Wheel' and for answered prayers.    Last thursday I checked the mail about 330pm and there was a bill from the kids dentist office.  I knew there wasn't anything I was going to be able to do that evening.  Fridays the office is closed and then it was the weekend.  Monday I took the kids to the state fair.  Yesterday I forgot the bill so I could stop by after picking up Sarah from School.  So today I told myself that I needed to get it done today.  I pulled out all the itemized papers insurance sends for the kids and saw that Ben was missing one for the last two check ups.  (I just wanted to compare what insurance showed to what the bill showed).  Well I called insurance to see if I could get a copy of both of those.  Insurance said that they don't send the papers out until things have been paid and what not.   They also told me that one of Bens was still pending and one was denied because it had been put in wrong.   With that information I went to the dentist office.  It took all of about 2 minutes to talk to them.  I was told that the bill shouldn't have gone out especially if one was still pending.  Also that the bill was showing that I had a credit NOT that I owed anything.  It was a relief.

Because of the Medicine Wheel, I had been able to take 90% of my emotions and throw it away.  I didn't need the emotion of worry and stress and everything else that comes with how we might have been able to pay the bill.  Also because of a loving Heavenly Father who answers prayers to be better, to help not worry so much, etc, I was able to be better than I normally am in these situations, and was able to get answers to the questions I had about the bill.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Blessings and Gratitude

March 14th the company I worked for did a conference call with me and my coworkers in the managed chat department.  They let us know that they were letting us go(60 employees).  It was a hard day.  They had mentioned a severance package that would go through may 13th.  With all the details and everything I knew things would be ok.  over the last 2 months we got a few things paid off.  So last Friday was my official termination date(though the last day I actually I worked was March 31st).  But just little things I have seen happen has been little blessings, tender mercies. 

We got the suburban paid off, a couple credit cards paid off, and our renter's insurance paid(through November as it starts over in December).  It frees up about 400 bucks.  I'm currently on unemployment which covers about 80% of the rest of what I normally would bring in in a month.  But I found a couple classes through groupon(a "Write Your Own Story" and "Acounting, Tax Preparation, and Microsoft Excel" class) for five bucks each(normally 400 a piece). Then Mike had mentioned how we are using a blanket as a "black out" curtain on one of our windows to a friend/co-worker....We were able to get some long black out curtains.  I just finish putting the curtains on 4 of 5 windows(waiting for one more rod to be shipped to us).  I have noticed a small difference already.  That should help with electricity bills during the summer.

I'm grateful for the blessings and the tender mercies of the Lord. He is truly mindful of us and our situations.  I truly believe that when we do all that we can do, he helps fill in the rest.  When you pay tithing, it truly is like you have extra money.  I'm grateful He allows me to be tested and to excersice my faith so that it may continue to grow. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Quilts and Family ties

It's amazing how the Lord can answer questions/concerns you have whether you realize you have them or not. 

I made Kristen a Princess Sophia quilt for her birthday.  I am now working on a Star Wars quilt for Ben for his birthday.   The other day as I was going through my day, I was thinking about my grandfather who passed away last week and whose funeral was this last Monday.  At one point I just felt like I needed to read the Ensign.  So I grabbed the conference one and started reading.  As I was reading I started thinking "This isn't what they talked about at the women's session of conference.  It was all about Service.  Or was that just what I heard cause I needed to hear it at that time?"  But I kept reading.  Then I finally looked at the date on the ensign.  It was the May 2015 ensign covering the April 2015 Conference.    Heavenly Father knew I needed to read the talks that I read.  I needed to hear/read the things that were said.

Then yesterday as I was working on Bens quilt, I had an 'aha' moment.  To make a quilt you need fabric, thread, batting, and yarn.  Each item indiviually is unique and nice.  But when put together it becomes a beautiful quilt.  And so it is with families. As indiviuals we are all unique.   When we are together, we are a beautiful family.  We are tied together.  And even though some have passed on, they are still tied together.  We are still an eternal family.

I am grateful for the little aha moments I get.  I'm grateful for my family.  For the strength that they give me.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Thoughts of death and grieving

This past week has been interesting and thought provoking.  With the death of my grandfather on Tuesday and then friday being the 4th anniversary of my brothers death, my mom and I got talking one evening and it was mentioned how one of my Aunts was having a difficult time with my granfathers death and it got me thinking about the whole grieving process.  Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.  We each go through the this process so differently.

Back when I was going through my EMT-Basic class they told us that there were 2 types of calls that were the worst to go on.  The first was when it involved a child, the second when it involved a co-worker.  When I was going through my EMT-Intermediate, I was able to go out with the ambulance as a student rider.  My first major trauma was an 8 yr old girl who passed away.  Though I didn't get to get in and help much at all(due to being a student rider) it was hard.  Everyone was telling me to go to the CISD(Critical Incident Stress Debriefing).  I went and everyone from the EMT/Paramedics to the nurses involved with this call was able to talk about who they were, what their role was in the call, and how they felt.  It did help.  Fast forward about 5 years to when I was working with the Volunteer Fire Department at home.  One evening we get a call for someone that was non responsive.  I responded not realizing/knowing that it was a co-workers home.  The thing that hit me the hardest was among the events and quick conversation was when the father of the co-worker said "Jaimi do what you need to do he's already gone."  It felt like someone had taken a balled up iron fist and punched me in the stomach.  It took everything I had not to double up, through up, and not cry.

With the first call I went through the Depression and Acceptance steps.  With the second it was the Anger(and guilt of not knowing that it was the co-workers house till that particular point) and then finally a year later was I was finally able to accept what had happened and let it go.  With the second situation, I had gone to the debriefing as well that they held for that but in this case it hadn't helped me.

Everyone has their own way of going through the grief process.  Does everyone go through all five steps of the process?  No.  Does the process only take 1-3 months?  No. Everybody is different.  We each have our unique way of going through the process and each scenario is different.  With my Grandpa Hunt it was sad.  I felt somewhat upset that my parents didn't call me at work to tell me of his passing.  Then a few weeks later my dad and I were talking and he had mentioned that Heavenly Father knew that 9/11 was going to happen and He probably needed my Grandpa to help welcome in all those that were killed that day(Grandpa had passed and his funeral was on 9/11).  When Grandma Hunt passed I had been asked to go work a wildland fire as a line EMT.  Just before getting to the location of the fire(with no cell recption) I found out that Grandma had passed.  What helped me accept that was the fact that as I got thinking about it, I had been living with Grandma and had I been there when she passed, would I have started CPR or something like that?  Heavenly Father knew that I would have most likely done and made it so I was away so Grandma could pass peacefully. 

Each scenario is different.  Each time the grieving process may or may not be the same.  Each person is different.  Heavenly Father knows us.  What we need to get through these times.  I am grateful for the people he puts in our lives to help us with this.  He understands the pain and the saddness.  I am gratefull that I know that I will get to see my grandparents and my brother again.   I'm grateful that they still get to be a part of my life in the little things that they do to help remind me that they are still their.   I'm grateful for the peace the gospel brings and that my Heavenly Father knows me and what I need when I need it.

Monday, March 28, 2016


On the 14th for work we had a mandatory meeting.  At this particular meeting my coworkers and I found out that we were all losing our jobs.  The 31st is our last day working (with a severance package that goes through May 13th).  That was a rough day.  It was Sarah's 4th birthday and it took so much to make her day a fun and happy day.  But over the last couple weeks feelings of being frightened and scared for how things were going to work out started being replaced with feelings that things were going to work out.  This last weekend our family took a much needed campout.  We went Thursday after the kids got out of school and Mike got home from work, and came home on Saturday.  We got to relax, and hike(we did 3.1 miles in 2 days), and just enjoyed being able to be out in nature.  It definatly helped me to get my mind off of things for a few days.  Saturday night was the Women's Conference (for my church).  The message throughout the conference was Service.  I started wondering if there was something I was suppose to do or someone I was suppose to serve.  Then yesterday morning I turned on the Spoken Word, Easter message.   One of the things that was said was that Easter is when we celebrate the Ressurection of Christ. That through the Attonement it brings hope. Hope that brings light and that will get us through the darkness.  Light chases out all darkness.  Christ is that light and through him all things are possible. 

I'm grateful for my Savior.  I'm gratefull he died so that he could he and all of us could be ressurected.  He definately is that light in my life.  Without him I would be so lost and confused.  I'm grateful for His love, guidence and His patience with me.  I'm grateful for my family. For all they do and for their love.